Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Steady spinning & cholesterol

So I gave it a go yesterday. Thirty minutes on the stationary bike at the gym. A steady cadence of 96 rpm across levels 11 through 14. This is sort of the way my bike workouts have been for the past two months--lower intensity but faster spinning. A better deal for my foot. I'd say that I'm currently in maintenance mode until spring when I'll pick up the pace, and hopefully schedule some endurance events to take part in.

On a bad note, my cholesterol level is borderline high at 216. I rec'd my blood drive card last week from donating blood at work a month ago. The card listed my blood type and overall cholesterol level. I'll be receiving the full report, which shows the breakdown of my HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and other stuff, in the mail perhaps this week. Quite a bit disappointing since I thought I was taking care of myself rather carefully. I guess my family genetics is starting to show its influence (sigh).

Monday, November 26, 2007

BSG lesbo lovers rock!

Someone has got to give a raise to the guy who pitched the "lesbian" commercial during the Battlestar Galactica "Razor" episode last Friday. The station break immediately followed the implicit scene between the two women. Just 10 seconds and soooo funny:

"It's been revealed. Helena Cain and Gina Inviere are lovers. Brought to you by Quiznos."