Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yawn :-O

Gosh, I've been in a lull for too long now and am in need of some inspiration.

I woke up way early today to cruise online from some music to rekindle my workouts. Other than the grunge techno jams that I like to spin my peddles to, I've been in the mood for some folksy acoustic stuff. And as I'm a big Jason Mraz fan, I downloaded his latest album for a listen on the way to work.

I saw his latest video of "I'm Yours" on YouTube. However, more delightedly, I came across this official "Jason Mraz Bebo Competition" winner for his take on that tune. Now there's the witty inspiration that I was looking for. And it even wasn't a workout song.

Yay! Me smilin' now :-)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Firefox 3

My obsession for the week: Firefox 3 (RC2). Release candidate only. Nevertheless, they've sold me. [biting my nails and insanely smiling in anticipation for the official release. heh heh :-))]

Mike Beltzner, phenomenologist at Mozilla, offered this Flash presentation of Firefox 3's new features. Not bad for those web browser power users.

I've also pledged to get Firefox 3 during Download Day as an attempt by Mozilla to set the Guinness World Record for Most Software Downloaded in 24 Hours. Might as well join in the fun.

Geez, talk about being such a bandwagoner.

ps: Oh, what about my cardio stuff? Uggh, dare I pick up my Tony Robbins book for some motivation? :-P