Thursday, October 13, 2005

Employed or bust

I'm working on my resume. I'm going to get a job.

There, I've put myself on the spot. It was needed. You see, I sat yesterday at the laptop practically all day trying to update my employment and accomplishments with nothing but writer's block. And then I caught myself doing the procrastinator's shuffle: making cups of coffee, surfing the web (a wireless network certainly can be a beautiful but damning thing), flipping through cable TV and then playing with the kids. Rinse and repeat.

Hopefully today will be a different story. And this entry serves to put my determination and pride in writing and to the test. Perhaps for all the world to laugh at if my words and actions don't jive. But let's not make it so. Time for some motivation.

Now where did I put that Tony Robbins book of mine?


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