Friday, December 09, 2005

Battlestar Galactica (BSG-75)

I know I'm late to it, but I'm hooked. You see, my friend Jay had recently lent me his Battlestar Galactica (First Season 2004) DVD set, which also included the 2003 feature BG miniseries. And well, this morning and then tonight, I saw the feature and the pilot episode '33' for the very first time.


I think I've been steeped in Nickelodeon, PBS and Noggin for far too long. (Damn you, Dora the Explorer!) I have got to add the Sci-Fi channel to my weekly viewing lineup. The new Battlestar Galactica series really rocks!

Alright now, my blogging break is over. Time to crack open the DVD box and watch the next episode. Yeah yeah, I know it's past midnight and tomorrow is a school day. But hey, y'know what? I don't have school. Thank the Lords of Kobol.

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