Monday, June 11, 2007

Workouts, baby!

"Shave and a haircut. Two bits."
A yearly physical ritual to signify the start of outdoor riding: the shaving of the legs. Plus, Melinda thinks I look sexier. Although in my early twenties, I deluded myself thinking it'd make me go lightning fast in the swim leg of my triathlons.

Since the Bloomin' Metric 100k, it's been workouts galore. I've been hitting the gym every day of the work week, doing tons of cardio on the LifeCycle exercise bikes, and then hitting the weights every other day.

It's all methodical. I keep track of my progress and try to up it just a tad in the next workout. In theory, I'll be running a 4 minute mile at the end of the season, benching 500 lbs in no time and competing in the Tour de France by next year. Well, that's just the theory. But I really am getting better in my personal bests for this season, which is good enough to keep me coming back to the gym for more.

BTW, the foot still hurts but is slowly getting better. Slowly.

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