Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Trick or treat!

"Mommy, I had the best day of my life! I had candy, chips and soda!"

It seemed that Halloween this year was a 4 day festival. Starting last Friday, all the kids visited their "pumpkin patches" at school to pick out their little handheld pumpkins. Saturday had a dress up party at the YMCA. Sunday had a huge town costume celebration at the local university campus (the kids played "Frankenstein Says" and other games). And Monday was the big treat-or-treat deal to cap it all off. On all the days, Tina dressed as a princess, Mindy as a fairy and Miguel as a ladybug or Teletubby Dipsy (he had two costumes).

No doubt the kids'll have their daily sugar rush for the next three months.

Happy Halloween!

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