Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Sunset Sprint Triathlon

7/23/05 -- The Sunset Sprint Triathlon in Bridgeton, New Jersey. Done. Finished in the top 85% (vs. 93% in the Devilman Tri). This was the infamous race that Melinda and I tried competing as a team in 1998 (more long ago than I thought). She would do the swim and I would do the bike and run. Unfortunately, shortly after the starting gun, she became overwhelmed with the madness of the swim leg and returned to shore a few minutes later, and we decided not to continue. This year was the first return to the race since that time. Therefore, my racing today was dedicated to Melinda. Perhaps, it would establish the stepping stones to re-entering the tri scene for her.

So here goes:

Five seconds...four...three...two...one...BANG!

Swam 1/2 mile in 26 minutes at the top 98% of finishers (98% in Devilman). (The top swimmer did it in 9 minutes!) As expected, I was practically last except for the remaining 2% of the crowd behind me. Ugggh. And I was trying so hard too. Note to self: join a masters swim class this fall or get fitted with an outboard motor up my ass. BTW, if you want to know what it feels like to have sex in an open body of water, join a triathlon. I've never been so thoroughly and violently groped in my life as when I do the swim legs. Never fails. Melinda's gotta be jealous. (Here's my swim pic finish.)

Biked 16 flat miles in 52 minutes at the top 51% of finishers (79% in Devilman). (The top cyclist did it in 37 minutes.) Yeah boy! Now that's an improvement. I'd been training to ride on the big gears for this race. Sure enough, it was about power this time. I used the big front chainring almost the whole time. I'm glad the hard work paid off. Another rider and I were playing cat and mouse the whole ride. Always chasing and passing. A fun leg. (Here's my bike pic.)

Ran a 5k trail in 29 minutes at the top 77% of finishers (79% in Devilman). (The top runner did it in just under 17 minutes!) Just a bit of improvement consistent with my progress on the treadmill at the YMCA, although I did expect to run faster. I think 'powering' through the bike took its toll. I felt dehydrated and was starting to get a headache. Still, I felt good crossing the finish and did my silly jump thing again like tri legend Greg Welch. I think I'll adopt it as well for all my future races.

I may consider a third and last race for this season, perhaps in September. For now, I'm pooped.

Official times are listed here.

1 comment:

rickumali said...

Congrats on another finish!