Friday, March 10, 2006

76F degrees today!


That's F for 76 f*ckin record degrees on March 10, 2006 -- Newark Airport high temperature. How beautiful it was to bring the kids to the park today. Yet ironically, in the deep recesses of my heart (okay okay, not that deep; more like way north of my ventricles and aorta, just below my corneas and pupils, at about the epidermis layer), I was bawling like a baby.

Bawling because the snow was melting. My snowboarding mountain snow. Going, going, gone. Nuttin' but water now. At least a lot of it.

I'll need to check the local ski conditions today to see how much of the fluffy white stuff is left on the hills. Last week, Melinda said I could go boarding Sunday (tomorrow). So if there's any good god left in this universe, she will bless me with at least one more run down the slopes before the season's over.

Long live frozen precipitation!

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