Friday, May 14, 2004

Nick Berg

I viewed the entire execution of Nick Berg today. I did a search using Limewire (a file sharing program similar to Napster) and found an uncensored copy. His death was beyond horrifying to watch. The nauseating feeling in my stomach is still there. I can't fully describe my thoughts on this other than to just keep shaking my head in disgust. It's a very harsh reminder for me to keep hugging my kids and pardon the now relatively minor frustrations that parenthood brings. Today, I said 'I love you' to them more times than usual because of what I saw. I just hope that I never forget this feeling from watching that video clip; it'd be one of my more vivid reminders to help me be thankful for the good things in my life.

A memorial website has been set up here.

May the comforts of Nick Berg's family be many. May he rest in peace.

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