Saturday, May 29, 2004

"On Writing" by Stephen King

I'm currently reading "On Writing" by Stephen King. I'm enjoying it very much, although it's taking me forever to finish it. It's the kids, need I say more? The book is part autobiographical and part writing tips. I have it as an e-book on my PDA (downloaded from I could rant and rave so much about reading ebooks versus physical novels, but I'll just summarize and say that it's a really neat thing for anyone to try.

But oh, how I wish I could set aside long sessions for reading. Instead, because of the needs of the kiddies, I could only spare moments taking in paragraphs. Paragraphs and sentences, mind you. Not even pages. If I ever come across a parent that can average one or two novels a month, I'll ask him or her how they do it, because I certainly can't at this point.

In conclusion, I'd appreciate anyone's wisdom on better personal time management while juggling the responsibilities of 2 toddlers and a baby.

Thanks in advance. :-)

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