Thursday, September 29, 2005

Silly size but splendid sounding

Chris Thile (thee'-lee) of the band Nickel Creek plays a mandolin. When I first saw their "Smoothie Song" video, I thought Chris was just poking fun at playing a fake mini guitar. Silly me. But then I looked carefully and I realized it was indeed a serious instrument. And wow how cool and unique it sounded when pieced together with Sara Watkins' violin and Sean Watkins' guitar. Their strumming and picking are tré virtuostic and so killer rich, as likely instilled in their upbringing. I admire immensely their achievements and focus at such young ages.

Nickel Creek is my latest musical inspiration. They're labeled as contemporary bluegrass. My favorite songs are "This Side," "Speak," "Smoothie Song" and "Lighthouse Tale" in that order, with neato videos to match as well.

It's the good old 'don't judge a book by it's yadda yadda' lesson learned.

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