Saturday, January 14, 2006

New Year's cardio begins

I have this little growing fire burning in me to get my workouts back into swing. It arises not so much from a New Year's resolution, but from exercise withdrawal due to more time spent with holiday activities and other such stuff rather than being at the gym.

Also, I've been gluttonizing myself these winter months more so than the year's average. Like yesterday. It was a saturated fat fest. As was the day before. And the day before. Ad nauseam. All thanks to deep fryed Crisco cuisine and endless alms of cheesecake. Topped with coffee--my staple crave. Plus, I was out of protein powder. What else is a grown man to eat?

I certainly loved it, but it's conflicting with my blog profile--aiming for big things in endurance sports--and is offsetting my ying-yang thingy. The road will surely lead to nowhere but frustration.

So what shall I do? Well, for a starter, how 'bout a little request for benediction: "Oh my dear CycleOps, god of all bike trainers, deliver me from my couch potato ways and give me the strength to output at least 200 watts onto your bearings (fluid bearings, mind you) for my cardiovascular redemption. Plus, I've spent so much money on you, I have to justify the purchase somehow. Amen."

Ahhh, thank goodness for prayer. And now the fire burns more brightly.

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