Monday, May 16, 2005

No more dance class

"You can turn off the sun, but I'm still gonna shine."
--Jason Mraz (song, The Remedy)

Tina didn't have ballet today at the Y. Her classes for the next 8-week session were cancelled because she was the only one who signed up. Well, at least she was able to do 2 classes solo with the teacher before it was called quits (YMCA policy requires a min of 3 students).

I was heartbroken more so than I thought I would be. It's like coming across a wall when chasing your dream. Makes me exceptionally sad when I see it happening to kids. Tina really likes dancing and having classes at the YMCA was both convenient and inexpensive. I certainly don't want her interest to come to a halt, if this is what she enjoys. So in the next week or two, I'll check out a dance studio about a 5 minute drive away that was recommended by Jade, the ballet instructor.

Like many parents, Melinda and I are always trying to keep a keen sense on what sparks the kids' fancies. Whatever Tina, Mindy and Miguel each enjoy doing, we try to over indulge in it to see if there's any strong interest. Mindy's obsession has yet to noticeably surface, but it does seem to be in the area of singing. We'll wait and see. As for Miguel, he's only 2, but what a clown. I'm sure he'll join the circus one day :-).

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