Friday, April 22, 2005

Mindy finally swims solo!

It was tonight at the YMCA pool that Mindy, our 2nd oldest, finally let go of Mommy and Daddy and swam by herself (aided only by floaties around her waist). Her solo strokes lasted just a few seconds until she returned to the pool edge, but what an enormous moment it was.

Finally, with only the support of floaties, all the kids can now paddle away on their own in the water. And Melinda and I can add to another sigh of relief that they're a tad better equipped to handle themselves in the deep--this was the primary reason why we had been so eager to enroll them in lessons at such early ages.

Tina, the oldest, was the first to swim independently last summer before taking lessons. Miguel, the youngest, followed suit about a month ago to our surprise, especially since he just turned 2 in December. And now Mindy's closed the book on it all this evening with her daring feat. Good for you, Min! Thus, another plateau in the children's growth to take proud note of.

It really is a joyous night.

Pizza time!

1 comment:

rickumali said...

Congrats and hurray for Mindy!