Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Truth Machine

Late last night, I finished reading The Truth Machine by James Halperin. Actually, it was the ebook version bought from The story was good and recommendable, but I enjoyed it more for its concept and futuristic vision.

I'm embarrassed to say that this is my first book in a triple very long time that I've been able to go through cover to cover. My focus when reading other recent novels had been interrupted endlessly by my need to attend to the kids and things on my 'to do' list. It resulted in my losing empathy for the story characters, and so I had needed to back up a few chapters to regain it. Eventually though, I lost interest.

Today, I'm headed to our town library (I go there often with the kids, hopefully to inspire them with the written word) to check out my next book: Exit to Eden by Anne Rampling (aka Anne Rice). I promised a friend I'd give it a shot, especially since it's in a genre that I haven't tried out yet. I hope it's available.

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