Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Procrastination is debilitating.

"And of course you can't become
if you only say what you would've done.
So I missed a million miles of fun."
--Steal My Sunshine (song by Len)

My ears tuned in to those lyrics above as I peddled to the song's beat during today's workout. (I was on a LifeCycle stationary bike at the YMCA.) It made me realize how empty-headed I was to allow the last 2 to 3 weeks of physical inactivity to occur because of pointless brooding over a tardy client project. Had I been productive, my time away from the gym could be somewhat justified and I wouldn't feel so guilty. Nevertheless, these are classic symptoms of procrastination.

This evening, I have the intention of finishing my project. My wife isn't working tonight's shift so I'll ask her if she could watch the kids. I won't rent out a movie as a distraction as I usually do. Hmmmm, what else? No net cruising, no blog posting, no email checking, no food snacking or coffee breaks (I'm well stocked in diversions :-)). Hopefully, this'll give me momentum to get my stuff done and over. Go, well, go! You dee man!

So am I done? Will tonight be the night of completion? Am I finally going home? Well think again, buddy boy, because unfortunately, the above gung ho speech is yet another procras. symptom that I've been through many times (sigh). And so I say it once again: we'll see if this night is any different.

But here's one thing I'll do unique of my pep talk: I'll read a chapter of The Now Habit, the latest of my self-help lot on the shelf. I've found perspective as a great tool for changing habits and this book offers something different from my other readings: scheduling playtime, not worktime. It's piqued my curiosity and I haven't given this author a chance. So let's read.

Alright, stop blogging. There, I did it. be continued.

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